11 Months Old

Stats: 24 lbs 29 inches

Some of your firsts:

10 months 9 days: 1st haircut

10 months 16 days: 1st Thanksgiving (you ate all of your mashed potatoes and turkey)

10 months 20 days: 1st time standing alone

10 months 25 days: 1st wedding (Lauren and Patrick’s and you were the ring bearer)

See Parker at (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months)

10 Months Old

This past month was huge for you, Parker.  You’ve learned to crawl which means you’re much more mobile than you were before.  It’s been a busy month with visitors coming two different weekends and since you LOVE being around people and are this social butterfly, you absolutely loved it!  The teething process is finally happening, we’re just waiting for that first tooth to pop through.

Stats: 23 lbs 28 1/2 inches

Some of your firsts:

9 months 3 days: 1st time crawling

9 months 14 days:  1st time pumpkin picking

9 months 15 days: 1st time pulling yourself up on furniture

9 months 23 days: 1st Halloween (you were a monkey), 1st time you found out you were going to be a big brother!

See Parker at (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months)

9 Months Old

In your short 9 months of life you have moved 3 times, within 2 different states.  We are finally settled in our Brooklyn apartment and you are going to be such a little city baby.  You wave at everyone that passes by on our walks throughout our neighborhood (including those homeless men that hang out at the park…Stranger Danger!!)  Since we’ve arrived here you have become much more mobile.  Your days consist of pulling yourself up on our coffee table and circling it about 75 times throughout the day.  Your favorite game is peek-a-boo, you love your bathtime with Daddy and going to the park to play on the swings with Mommy.

Stats: 22 lbs 28 1/2 inches

Some of your firsts:

8 months 2 day: 1st time clapping

8 months 15 days: 1st fever (103.4!) it was a reaction from the flu shot

8 months 16 days: 1st time waving

8 months 18 days: 1st time your meal consisted of only table food (chicken, potatoes, applesauce, banana)

See Parker at (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months)

8 Months Old

We’re a few days late with this post.  Oops!  Yesterday was spent recovering from our week long “vacation” of trying to find an apartment in Brooklyn (which was near impossible but found the gem.  Just sayin’).  You’ve become pretty attached this past month.  You notice when someone looks at you while you’re playing, your arms go up in the air and instantly want to get picked up.  All day long it’s “Dada da dadada da DA DA”, I see how it is 🙂  You’ve started taking steps while holding our hands and you are so proud of yourself.  You love to climb all over us when we play with you on the floor.  No teeth yet but I think they’ll be making an appearance soon (I know, I’ve been saying that for months)

Stats: 21.5 lbs 28 1/2 inches

Some of your firsts:

7 months 1 day: 1st time at an art gallery, 1st time walking Elmwood Village, 1st time to Delaware Park

7 months 5 days: 1st time watching a Bills game with Daddy

7 months 24 days: 1st trip to Brooklyn

7 months 28 days: 1st time waving to Mommy, 1st time flying a kite

7 months 30 days: 1st time eating meat

See Parker at (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months)

7 Months Old

You are 7 months old today, muffin!  My happy, loving, sweet, funny, caring, beautiful baby boy…you light up mine and Daddy’s life.  Your big gummy smiles brighten my day. every. single. minute.  You are all gas, no brakes!  You are turning into such a little boy right before our eyes.  You are SUCH a good eater!  Loving all fruits and tolerating most vegetables.  You’re favorite thing to do lately is to make rumbling noises with your mouth, it’s when we moving our finger up and down your lips as you babble.

Stats: 19.5 lbs 28 inches

Some of your firsts:

6 months 3 day: 1st race (and you won medal!)

6 months 9 days: 1st weeklong vacation (to Sherkston Beach)

6 months 11 days: 1st time in a swing at the park

6 months 13 days: 1st time at a water park

6 months 15 days: 1st time to Niagara Falls (with our good friends Erin and Pierce)

6 months 20 days: 1st time pulling yourself up in your crib

See Parker at (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months)