It’s raining, it’s pouring…

…the little baby’s snoring!…

…and so is daddy!

man I love these two ❤

Since we’ve been here in Miami, raining has been a rarity so days like yesterday put us all in sleep mode.  Parker took a fantastic 1 hr nap and Brandon and I joined him in our bed (speaking of naps, the little guy should be napping right now but he’s wide awake talking to himself and blowing bubbles in his crib).  This is the first week we started putting Parker to sleep on his side and stomach.  He’s finally at a point where I feel comfortable doing that since he can now hold his head up on his own.

Ok so I’ll admit it.  I’m addicting to thrifting.  I can’t help it, I just love a good deal (especially when you have a family on a med student’s budget).  The girls and I spent 2 hours yesterday shopping and I picked up some great finds for Parker and I!

Snagged a great new lipstick on the way home…

Parker, clearly, wasn’t as amused.

Tomorrow will be the first time we leave Parker with people besides family members.  Our good friends Lauren and Patrick offered to watch him while Brandon and I go to the SONY ERICSSON OPEN!  I’m not going to lie, I’m scared to leave him.  Not that I don’t trust Lauren and Patrick, I definitely do, it’s just weird to think that he won’t be with us for a few hours.  I’m gonna miss the little guy!  He’ll be completely fine and Brandon and I will get to enjoy a night out together and watch some tennis.  Neither of us have been to a tennis match so it’s going to be really fun!