6 Months Old

Happy 1/2 Birthday Parker!  You have had a pretty exciting 6 months of your new life.  You’ve visited places that some people don’t get to go to in their lifetime, you are reaching milestones week-by-week, and you have so so many people that love you.

And here’s another one…because we’re 6 months old now and we sit up on our own.

Stats: ??? Dr. appointment is not until next week

Your personality has really unfolded this past month.  We made another big move, from Miami back to Buffalo, which has made your love for meeting new faces and surroundings grown even more.  You tend to open up more and more as the group around you increases.  We call you Mr. Adventure; you love to be tossed around by daddy and flipped every which way.  Please promise that you won’t tell me when you go skydiving with Uncle Stephen until after you do it.  Thank God your hair has started to grow in.  I thought you’d have the old man receding hairline forever.  Carrots have been added to the menu recently, you don’t like them very much (I know this by the grunts and moans that you make) but you’re a fat kid at heart like your mom so you open your mouth to eat them anyway.  You say “Mama” all the time, it’s the most beautiful sound I have yet to hear 🙂

Some of your firsts:

5 months 1 day: 1st baseball game

5 months 6 days: 1st time sitting up all by yourself

5 months 7 days: 1st time putting your toes in your mouth

5 months 17 days: 1st religious sacrament (Baptism)

5 months 19 days: 1st time using a sippy cup

5 months 18 days: 1st time sitting in a high chair at a restaurant

5 months 20 days: 1st time sitting in the front of a shopping cart (this is going to make grocery shopping sooo much easier!)

5 months 21 days: 1st play date (with your friend Nathan)

5 months 22 days: 1st time babbling indiscriminately (Mama mama dada da baba baa)

5 months 23 days: 1st time traveling to a different country (Canada)

See Parker at (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months)