Baby Shower

For the past few weeks Stef and I have been planning a baby shower for our friend Meagan from Dominica (it was a surprise or else you know I would have been posting about the details).  Meagan’s sister is in town visiting and we even got her in on the secret.  Her baby girl (her name is being kept a secret) is due in the beginning of October and she didn’t think she was going to be having a shower since she’s so far away from family (we’re in Miami, family is on LI BABY!)  Of course I snapped a few photos and made a little video to share with you.

Lauren greeting Meagan at the door.

Fantastic food spread (cupcakes, zucchini boats, spinach quiche, veggies).  Clothes line.  Mom chair (I knitted that blanket :)).  Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries.  Baby gifts.  Stef’s diaper cake and a posing Miss Sophie.  Cupcakes made by moi.  Baby Banner.

Mama-to-be opening up her gifts including a Boppy Pillow, lay ‘n play mat, books from her mom/sister/friends, bottles/pacifiers, knitted blanket, bathtub, towels and washcloths, Moby Wrap.

Of course I couldn’t leave out the Parker-man.  He was the man of the hour.  Top left corner going clockwise…Meagan getting used to mom-duty, reading Parker a book.  Waking up from his nap and greeting the ladies.  Being the cutest centerpiece on the table.  Being held by our good friend Taylor.

We had such a good time planning this party!  It’s always a great time with these girls, especially this time spoiling Babygirl F.  Good job pulling this off, ladies!

Congratulations Meagan and Emmet!  We are so excited for you both.