…Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Ok, yesterday wasn’t that bad but it was filled with lots of frustration on Parker’s part  (Exhibit A).  I had all the intentions of blogging but instead the day was taken up with lots of crying and grunting and finger/teether chewing (Exhibit B/C) and not napping and and excessive drooling and wanting to be held every second and not wanting to be put down and lots of spit up and 6 outfit changes.  I ran my fingers over his little gums and I can feel some bumps see some little white teeth just waiting to pop through.  It’s obvious that teething is the culprit for all of his fussiness.

Exhibit A

 Exhibit B

Exhibit C

You think it was a coincidence that I ate an entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s (at least it was frozen yogurt) last night after we put Parker to bed?  I think not.