Update part 2

Documenting a truly amazing day right here.  Our little family at the Southermost Point in the big ol’ U.S.A.  Remember that big test Brandon has been studying for months for (the COMP… **shivers**)??  Well, HE PASSED!  Yep.  That’s right.  He found out this very morning and we decided to take a drive to Key West to celebrate.  Parker did as well as could be expected on the 3 hour drive.  I read him some books and brought along a few toys to distract him.  He cried a bit then pretty much passed out the rest of the way.

If you are in the area and you haven’t been to the Keys, it’s a must.  We walked around town all day long so be prepared to bring LOTS of water.  Here are my two boys looking as fab as ever at an ice cream shop we stopped at to cool off a bit, and by cool off I mean sit in the hot sun and eat a huge cup (in my case 2 cups) of key lime pie sorbet.  Did I mention Brandon passed the COMP?!

My little man, strategically placed to hide my sweat lines (that were mistaken as milk from my husband which could be quite embarrassing, a quiet “hey babe” accompanied with a shy point to the region and I said “no babe” and quickly reminded him that he married a big-time sweater).  Keep in mind we were only walking for about 10 minutes at this point.

We ended our day with this view.  Our mini-vacation together was lovely.  Not studying, getting outside, great conversation on our 3 hour road trip.  Could it get any better?  Oh yea, Brandon passed the comp 🙂