Our Week in iPhone Photos


New favorite morning spot. Parker loves to fit his little body into whatever small space he can find.

Helping Daddy put together his new kitchen.

And after it was all put together he was very busy the next morning making “breakfast”.

Claiming the armrest at story time.

Our friends Katie, big brother Maddox, and baby Jaxon stopped by for lunch. We ate pizza and Parker practiced being a big brother by giving Jaxon lots of hugs and giving him his pacifier when he wanted it.

Since when do we have the big kid at the park who likes to get pushed as high as he can go on the swings?

Made a pit stop at the dog park. An absolute must on the walk home from the playground.

Someone was sooo excited while on their way to Playtime! Brooklyn

That someone also didn’t want to leave and every time Mommy said to get his shoes on he would throw himself back in the ball pit.

Daddy taught Parker how to climb this ladder now he does it all my himself.

Bath time! Rock ‘n Roll style.

Poor baby woke up with a fever so slept most of the day.

Waiting for the Dr.

Parker napped for 3 hours this day so I took full advantage.



I finished knitting Kieran’s hat. I’m fully aware that it’s June but I like my air conditioning.

Waking up from naptime with some cool hair.

Pretty sure I need a pedicure but who really knows since I haven’t been able to see my feet in 4 months.

Grandma’s here! And will be here till after Kieran arrives. We’re sooo thankful for all of her help and Parker is loving having someone new around here.

Photo Dump

Longest stretch in between posts ever.  I’m sorry for being a bad blogger but our days have been so packed that if I get on the computer once a day it’s amazing.  Here are some random photos from our first 10 days home in Buffalo.  Parker’s christening and his first playdate with his friend Nathan are exciting enough for their own posts.  Those are to come in the next few days.

My beautiful family sitting outside on the swing after Parker’s Christening.

Hanging out with Aunt Kelly and Aunt Lindsay.

Probably my new favorite pictures of Parker.  Here he is sitting on a grass like a big boy 🙂  Where did my little baby go?

Practicing blowing out candles on Aunt Lindsay’s 25th Birthday.

Playing with his blocks on the grass.

Brandon’s Father’s Day present from Parker.

Just chillin’ with Grandma and Grandpa…

…and Great-Grandma Jean and cousin Alex.

Loving when Aunt Kelly feeds and plays with him.

Sleeping on mama.