7 Months Old

You are 7 months old today, muffin!  My happy, loving, sweet, funny, caring, beautiful baby boy…you light up mine and Daddy’s life.  Your big gummy smiles brighten my day. every. single. minute.  You are all gas, no brakes!  You are turning into such a little boy right before our eyes.  You are SUCH a good eater!  Loving all fruits and tolerating most vegetables.  You’re favorite thing to do lately is to make rumbling noises with your mouth, it’s when we moving our finger up and down your lips as you babble.

Stats: 19.5 lbs 28 inches

Some of your firsts:

6 months 3 day: 1st race (and you won medal!)

6 months 9 days: 1st weeklong vacation (to Sherkston Beach)

6 months 11 days: 1st time in a swing at the park

6 months 13 days: 1st time at a water park

6 months 15 days: 1st time to Niagara Falls (with our good friends Erin and Pierce)

6 months 20 days: 1st time pulling yourself up in your crib

See Parker at (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months)